The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 49 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Harry O`N eill

Updated: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 03:22 pm

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THE RETURN OF THE ANCIENT. In late sixties and early seventies Liverpool had fun reading at O`Conners, Chauffers, The Why Not, etc; At Sansom and Barlows recorded for German radio and won fleeting local fame in the Echo reading with McGough. (Also once read – on an Adrian Hendri bill – to a completely empty Parr Hall in Warrington (Shame on you Warrington). Later read to a student occupied, Manchester University with Jim Blackburn`s Lancashire Poets, Then-with Jim–read at the Gazebo in Duke street, where we were filmed for television (but it was never screened) When Jim disappeared I ran the Gazebo alone, until life as a Trade Union official and national negotiator mucked up my free time. Retired (educationally raw) in my late fifties, saw the opportunities, did the O and A levels, and lifted a couple of literary degrees from a profoundly un-impressed Liverpool University, during which time I wrote and put on a one-act play and got the theatre-bug. Later did a course at the Joe Makin at the John Moores university and had a full length play looked at and rejected–helpfully-by the Everyman. No one seemed anxious to look at my third play: a social satire set in an abortion clinic (I can`t for the life of me imagine why) Anyway, this `gasp from the past` is delighted to find the poetry scene still in good health and had fun doing the rounds again. All this new, democratic, internet stuff is like launching little candle boats of poetic endeavour out on to the Ganges of universal criticism – I love it.


THE MANNER OF HER GOING Last night, Just at the onset of the dark, When the slow withdrawal of the light Had left the whole world stark And all around was emptiness and height, As I sat, listening to the vastness – bent ..................................She went.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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ken eaton-dykes

Mon 8th Jan 2018 00:13

Where are you Harry. Hope you're OK

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 23rd Oct 2017 20:54

thanks for commenting on 'Safety Off' Harry - you got it

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 30th Sep 2017 17:14

Harry, you should put the last paragraph of your Bio into a poetry form, and post it separately. It is really delightful.

I have always enjoyed the scope of your interest in subject matter and writing form. You are inspirational.

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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 2nd Sep 2017 16:25

Thanks Harry for your wonderfully crafted backup. Is there not time still for us codgers to cobble together some sort of veto against all this madness.

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keith jeffries

Sun 20th Aug 2017 15:52

Harry, thank you for your comment on my latest poem Existence & Purpose. There is a God - no two ways about it mate. Bless you. Keith

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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 19th Aug 2017 17:13

Hi Harry

Thanks for the comment. I too went in the army 1948. so we both must have been serving together for a while. What a deterrent we two must have been to the forces of communism. For as soon as I was demobbed the Korean war started.

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John Marks

Sun 13th Aug 2017 20:41

Thank you Harry for your kind comment on 'Gethsemane'. None of us need ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for us. The modern equivalent of the international brigades are the young men and women from the UK and elsewhere who make the hazardous journey to N Iraq to fight with the Kurdish YPG against the fascists of Daesh and sometimes don't come home. As was the case with 22 year old Birkenhead volunteer, Luke Rutter, who fell in the attack on Raqqa in July 2017.

Good luck in all you do, Harry!


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Linda Cosgriff

Wed 21st Jun 2017 15:58

Hi Harry.

Thanks for your comment on my blog.

I love your bio! What an interesting life you've lived. I confess to being a little envious (okay, a lot) that you read on a bill with Roger McGough. He's my favourite poet.

To counter my lack of distinction in that area, I can tell you that I had a one-act play make its debut at The Everyman in the eighties. Yes, it was a student piece, performed by students, and appeared for one night only; but no one can take that away from me ?

Going to check out your poetry now x

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 11th Jun 2017 20:44

Chaps the Conservatives are in disarray: Labour has increased its membership by another 150,000 in the last week. Corbyn's position is strengthened and another election more than likely. The Tories need to be kept under pressure. Viva! Tommy

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Tom Harding

Mon 5th Jun 2017 21:31

Hi Harry thanks for your kind comment on my potw, much appreciated

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keith jeffries

Tue 18th Apr 2017 09:43

Hello Harry, hank you for your comment on the poem Here for a while. What you say is interesting and poses some questions. In nature we see cycles of events which focus on birth, death and resurrection. The seasons bear witness to this. It is no coincidence that Easter is celebrated in Spring a time of new birth and life in the world about us. A thought which inspires hope. Thank you for this. Keith

<Deleted User> (16837)

Tue 11th Apr 2017 16:54

Dear Harry,
thank you for going through "brand new start".....i appreciate your sincere comment....your deep connection to my feelings shows that you are connected to God Almighty....i started to write this poem with the intention of thanking Allah, despite all the tests, tribulations and worries, we have so much to thank Him for. Lord (Rabb) is a reference to Allah Almighty. we as muslims love Jesus (peace be upon him), we respect him as an honourable messenger of God.
this poem is a sincere reflection of my thankfulness to Allah, which He definitely owes.
as for "that" something missing that you feel...i will definitely try to understand and will try to put into words worth being shaa allah.

-ghazala l.

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keith jeffries

Fri 31st Mar 2017 09:18

Hello Harry, Thank you for your comment. It is something I shall bear in mind. Keith

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kJ Walker

Mon 20th Mar 2017 21:07

hi Harry. thanks for comment on Grimstone Low. I will re-look at it and alter the ending
Cheers Kevin

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ken eaton-dykes

Tue 14th Mar 2017 08:59

Thanks Harry.

On your final curtain you'll have left more than most

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David Redfield

Sun 5th Mar 2017 15:39

Thanks Harry for the kind words on the bird poems. They actually are two pieces written several years apart. I simply posted them together as an obvious pairing!

Best wishes
Dave R

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 22nd Feb 2017 17:05

thanks for the comment on 'Old Romantic' Harry - my purpose in life is to ruin the mood *wink*

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ken eaton-dykes

Sun 19th Feb 2017 00:22

Hi Harry just been catching up on your recent output via the profile I player, all worthy of special comment.

I missed them first time round.

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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 18th Feb 2017 11:10

Yes it's about time the longest serving dictator ever was dislodged. Can't understand how he's been tolerated for so long presiding atop this overflowed vale of ever increasing tears

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Dominic James

Tue 14th Feb 2017 09:08

thanks for comment on That Tennyson, Harry, it's whatever seems right!

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 5th Feb 2017 18:43

thanks for commenting on 'Janus' Harry - you? a wimp? NEVER1 Glad you liked it

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 20th Jan 2017 20:37

thanks for the comments on 'Down In The Hole' Harry - you raise some good questions and I, like many others, don't have the answers. I think there is a 'new' industrial revolution in the electronics and power industry - and this has pushed honest hard working industry out - that's not necessarily a bad thing I suppose - but I rail at the way it was done with the mines and steel (and the docks to some extent) these were community industries with little to replace them when they were demolished. I really appreciate your continued support and comments Harry
thanks very much

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Trevor Wainwright

Thu 12th Jan 2017 13:03

Nice one I'd forgotten that line, may use it in something else

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 20th Dec 2016 12:26

many thanks for commenting on 'Advent' - glad you liked it - your comments are always helpful, constructive and insightful - I really do appreciate them. I like the 'why hast thou forsaken me' twist and will have a play with that if you don't mind me using it(?).
Hope you're keeping well - and best wishes for Christmas and the new year - hope to see you somewhere soon

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 12th Dec 2016 16:19

been intending to get to the Everyman for a while now Harry - George keeps singing its praises - hopefully will manage to do so in the new year - might see you there

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ken eaton-dykes

Wed 7th Dec 2016 12:01

Hi Harry.

Many thanks for your complementary comment and personal observations on those times. A period if I'm not mistaken when the exchange rate was four dollars to the pound.


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Ian Whiteley

Mon 21st Nov 2016 12:26

many thanks for the comments on USMF Harry - where were you performing? sounds like my kinda place :-)

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Tom Harding

Fri 18th Nov 2016 20:01

harry, thanks for your kind and overly generous ? comments on harbour

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ken eaton-dykes

Sun 13th Nov 2016 18:22

Hi Harry. Thanks for your comment

Don't know why God sent his lad down With that New Testament "soft approach" Manifesto, authored by him and the other two members of that three faceted Trinity.

Then returned "as planned", bloodied by an ungrateful lot of his Fathers image. Thus leaving them all for two millennia and more, to weave innumerable bendy enigmatic, open- ended, "why and what for" interpretations, with which to fall out over. For the rest of eternity.

He certainly does work in strange ways.

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 6th Oct 2016 15:45

Thanks for your kind and insightful comments on 'Rosetta...' Harry - we seem to be in the minority in championing 'form' poetry, but I really do like writing and reading it - the extra challenge of producing something that works on multiple levels is very rewarding. Pleased that you liked it - although that there love poetry stuff isn't my strongest suit - so may have to think twice about producing something in that particular niche

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